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Venerdi 04 Ottobre 2013 - 06:39

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way from the equator or are you simply a racist? What [url=http://giddyap.com/admin/aiauth.html]cheap soccer jerseys[/url] a boneheaded thing to say! August, at Ryan says I agree that "best" is just too far fetched as a term to describe countries. It discounts the amazing diversity our world offers. I prefer rankings like the "happiest". August, at John M says Sharon, Australia is only a few degrees from the equator August, at Mary Donnelly says Hadrian I agree with just about everything you said except I prefer Mareeba up in the mountains, I don't like the humidity in Cairns. Don Newsweek was analysing Australia as it is today, not its history. I agree that the [url=http://rfpphoto.com/service.aspx]cheap jerseys from china[/url] treatment of our indigenous spin语法错误! peoples and Chinese immigrants has been appalling in the past, but we are learning. In the s I went to university with Australia's first indigenous university graduate, I met many Asians there too, and by the early s we had officially abandonned our 'White Australia Policy'. Statistics can give one a guide, but the man with his head in a fridge and feet in a fire, on average feels fine, but in reality is uncomfortable in two places. Demographers are now forecasting that by around there will be scarcely any "pure Causcasians", because so many Australians will have intergrated and co habited with each other the opposite of ethnic cleansing. Ken Australians are now debating our huge population increase, much of which is natural increase. August, at Don Hirschberg says Mary, I see that I u erly failed to make my point. I'll say it brutally. If Australia and Canada and the US had allowed Chinese to immigrate beyond tiny "quotas" these nations would have become largely Chinese and world history world have developed very differently. August, at am Eark Adams says What about the independent countries in the Caribbean Barbados, Tri
